- About the Journal
- Publisher
- Editorial Board
- Abstracting and Indexing
- Instructions For Authors
- Review and Ethical policy
- Copyright Transfer Statement
- Manuscript Submission
- Contact Us

- The ICFAI University Dehradun (IUD) strives to create an intellectually stimulating environment for research.
- Antardrishti IUD Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (AIJIR) is a refereed bi-annual National Journal published by IUD.
- The Journal is multidisciplinary in nature focusing on the areas of Management, Science, Technology, Law and Education.
- The objective of the Journal is to disseminate knowledge in all these areas.
- The AIJIR is intended to provide forum for debate and deliberation for academics, policy makers, research students and faculties with different research areas.
- The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the criteria of Management, Science, Technology, Law and Education with valued areas of excellence.
- The Journal publishes original research and reviews up to 4000 words. The Journal is proud to have highly experienced Editorial Board members.
- The AIJIR devoted for high standard quality publications which will create an environment of research among the research scholars and faculty members of IUD.
Publishing Body
The ICFAI University, Dehradun
The ICFAI University, Dehradun
Rajawala Road
Dehradun, 248011
Chief Editor
Dr. Puneet Kumar Gupta
Chief Editor,
Antardrishti IUD Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
The ICFAI University, Dehradun
Rajawala Road, Selaqui
Website: https://iudehradun.edu.in/research/publications-policy-and-details
E-mail: aijir@iudehradun.edu.in
Mobile: 6396517440
Prof. Dr. Ram Karan Singh,
Vice Chancellor,
ICFAI University Dehradun (IUD)
Email: vc@iudehradun.edu.in
Brig.(Retd.) Rajiv Sethi,
Registrar, IUD
Chief Editor
Dr. Puneet Kumar Gupta
Chief Editor,
Antardrishti IUD Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
The ICFAI University, Dehradun
Rajawala Road, Selaqui
Website: https://iudehradun.edu.in/research/publications-policy-and-details
E-mail: aijir@iudehradun.edu.in
Mobile: 6396517440
Editorial Board Members
Dr. Yeliena Prokhorova
Associate Professor
Management Department
SHEE "Kyiv National Economic University
E-mail: yeliena.prokhorova@kneu.ua -
Dr. Vineet Tirth,
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
College of Engineering, King Khalid University,
Abha 61411, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
E-mail: vtirth@kku.edu.sa -
Prof. (Dr) Nimit Gupta
Advisor- Harvard Business Review Council
Professor- Marketing - School of Management & Liberal Studies
The NorthCap University Gurugram, India
E-mail: nimitgupta@ncuindia.edu -
Dr. Ajit Pratap Singh
Senior Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani,
Rajasthan, India 333 031.
E-mail: aps@pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in -
Dr. Rajaram Bal
Principal Scientist, Indian Institute of Petroleum,
Dehradun, Uttarakhand,
PIN - 248005
E-mail: raja@iip.res.in -
Dr. Yogesh Pratap Singh,
National Law University Odisha
E-mail: yogesh@nluo.ac.in -
Dr. Abhya Kumar Tiwari,
Institute of Science,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
E-mail: abhay.tiwari@bhu.ac.in -
Dr. Kriti Priya Gupta
Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, NOIDA
Block A, Plot No. 47 & 48, Sector 62, NOIDA
E-mail: kriti.gupta@scmsnoida.ac.in -
Dr. Nabil Ben Kahla, Ph.D
Associate Professor
Chair of the Civil Engineering Department
King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia
E-mail: nbohlal@kku.edu.sa -
Dr. Archana Sarma
Head School of Law
The NorthCap University
Gurugram, India
E-mail: archanasarma@ncuindia.edu -
Dr. Yugal Kishore,
KIIT School of Law,
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology,
Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
E-mail: yugal.kishor@kls.ac.in
Antardrishti IUD Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (AIJIR) is indexed by the following abstracting and indexing services: Google Scholar
AIJIR invites the original and unpublished manuscripts in the field of Management, Science, Technology, Law, Education and state-of-the-art review articles in all these disciplines. All manuscripts will be subjected to a single-blinded peer review.
(i) Authors should submit their manuscripts in MS-word and pdf files at: aijir@iudehradun.edu.in
(ii) The manuscript should contain a cover letter which includes the corresponding author's name, full address, email and mobile number.
(iii) Manuscript should contain an abstract of 100-200 words.
(iv) The total word counts of the manuscript should not exceed by 4000 words.
(v) The Editor will have right to edit the manuscripts before publishing.
(vi) Manuscript should be in Times New Roman font on A-4 Size paper typed in 1.5 space in 12-point size with 1" margin on both sides.
(vii) A- Research articles with original results should contain: title, author's names, affiliation, address, email, abstract (maximum 200 words), keywords (4 to 5), text in the following order: Abstract; Keywords; Introduction (relevant and recent literature review, research gap and objectives); Experimental (Materials and methods or methodology); Results and Discussion; Conclusions (citing of references should be avoided in this section); Acknowledgments (if any); References.
B- Review articles should contain: title, author's names, affiliation, address, email, abstract (maximum 200 words), keywords (4 to 5), text in the following order: Abstract; Keywords; Introduction (objectives should be inserted at the end of this section); sections with different subheadings; Conclusions (citing of references should be avoided in this section); Acknowledgments (if any); References.
(viii) TABLES should be numbered sequentially with Roman numerals, with captions in the upper part; the tables must be editable (prepared with MSWord) and inserted in the text (tables should not have special formatting, such as colors and shading).
(ix) FIGURES should be numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals and preferably inserted in the text. Illustrations (graphics, drawings, photos, micrographs) should have good contrast, and uniform lettering and sizing, sufficient to allow reading after reduction.
(x) REFERENCES should be prepared in the following style. The reference numbers should be mentioned in the text such as [1], [2], [3] etc.
[1]. Paivio, A., Jansen, B. and Becker, L. J. (1975). Comparisons through the mind's eye. Cognition, 37, pp. 635-647.
[2]. Yuen, A. W. C. (1994). Lamotrigine: a review of antiepileptic efficacy. Epilepsia, 35(Suppl. 5), S33-S36.
[3]. Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of work: Subtitle (edition.). (Volume). Place of publication: Publisher.
[4]. URL (Complete address of web page no. /content with date of access)
3. Manuscript must be original. Plagiarism should be below 10%.
4. There is no article processing charges.
5. On acceptance authors must submit copyright transfer Form.
- After initial screening the manuscript will be checked for plagiarism.
- The manuscript which has plagiarism below 10 % will be sent to the reviewers.
- The status of the reviewed papers will be communicated to the corresponding authors.
- The reviewer will recommend a manuscript for (i) acceptance, (ii) minor revision, (ii) major revision or (iii) rejection.
- If a manuscript is accepted for publication then, the authors will be asked to submit copyright transfer Form.
- A manuscript which does not meet the standard of the Journal will be rejected.
The AIJIR has a well-defined ethical policy as explained below:
Authorship of the paper: A meaningful contribution to the conception, design, execution or interpretation of the results is required for the demand of authorship.
Originality and Plagiarism: The work of the manuscript should be original and for using the Figures, Tables or concepts of others it should be properly cited or taken permission from the author/publisher.
Acknowledgement of Sources: If any part of the manuscript has been found to be plagiarised then, it should be cited with proper acknowledgment and the plagiarism should be removed.
Antardrishti IUD Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (AIJIR)
Dear Professors/ Researchers/Academicians,
- The Editorial Board of AIJIR invites the original and unpublished manuscripts in the field of Management, Science, Technology, Law, Education and state-of-the-art review articles in all these disciplines for the Second Issue of AIJIR.
- Before submitting a manuscript, Authors are requested to go through the Instruction for Authors.
- There are no article processing charges for publishing in AIJIR.
- This journal will be published bi-annually by the ICFAI University Dehradun.
- The manuscript should be submitted to aijir@iudehradun.edu.in. Please contact our office or refer our website for further details.
With best regards,
Dr. Puneet Kumar Gupta
Chief Editor,
Antardrishti IUD Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
The ICFAI University, Dehradun
Rajawala Road, Selaqui
Website: https://iudehradun.edu.in/research/publications-policy-and-details
E-mail: aijir@iudehradun.edu.in
Mobile: 6396517440
Dr. Puneet Kumar Gupta
Chief Editor,
Antardrishti IUD Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
The ICFAI University, Dehradun
Rajawala Road, Selaqui
Website: https://iudehradun.edu.in/research/publications-policy-and-details
E-mail: aijir@iudehradun.edu.in
Mobile: 6396517440